Where is heating element in ge dryer

If your GE dryer is not heating, then it could be caused by a problem with your incoming power. Most GE electric dryers need two legs of volts AC volts in total to operate correctly. Sometimes one of your household fuses or circuit breakers trips, and this will stop the dryer from operating correctly. The next cause to investigate is a faulty gas valve solenoid. If your GE dryer is gas-powered, it will have two or more valve solenoid coils. If the gas solenoids are working correctly, the next component to inspect is the igniter.

Next up is the flame sensor. If the flame sensor passes the multimeter test, you should next test the heating element to see if it is faulty. The high-limit thermostat is responsible for monitoring the temperature within the dryer and will turn the dryer off when it overheats.

When the cycling thermostat becomes defective, the dryer will not heat. The next component to check is the timer. The timer very rarely breaks down, but it can happen. Only check the timer after you have checked all of the other components listed in this article. It is also very difficult to test. Your only option is to inspect it to see if any of the components have shorted out, and if you find any, replace it. You must be logged in to post a comment.

GE Dryer Not Heating? How to Fix It. Fred's Appliance. May 4, Dryer Repair. To check the thermal fuse: Turn the dryer off. Locate the thermal fuse. You will be able to find it on the blower housing or at the heat source on your dryer check your manual if need be.

If the test shows that the fuse has continuity, then it is working fine and not the cause of the problem. However, if the test shows no continuity, this means it has most likely overheated and blown, so will need to be replaced.

If you do replace the fuse, make sure that you also clean out the exhaust vent to stop the problem from happening again. Incoming Power Problem If your GE dryer is not heating, then it could be caused by a problem with your incoming power. To test if this is the case: Locate the fuse box in your house. You must be logged in to post a comment. Appliance Express. April 8, Dryer Repair. The Heating Element Assembly In your electric dryer, the heating element warms the air before it enters your dryer drum.

Then, remove the top panel from your dryer. To do so, unthread the screws on the backside of the front panel. After the screws are out, tilt the panel back and lift it up, slightly. Then, swing the panel to the side so you can disconnect the door switch harness.

Before you can reach the switch, push the small metal panel covering it down. With the metal panel out of the way, pull the door switch wire harness apart. Now you can remove the front panel from the dryer. To make this process easier, unthread the two screws that hold the side panels and the blower housing together. Once the screws are out, the side panels should flex a bit more, which will provide you with more room to slide the drum out.

Before you can remove the drum, reach under it and take the drive belt off the idler pulley and the drive motor pulley. Then, stand up and grab hold of the drive belt and use it to guide the drum out of the dryer cabinet. With the dryer drum removed, you can see the heating element assembly on the back wall of your appliance.

To remove the fuse and thermostats, use a Phillips screwdriver to unthread the screws securing the parts to the heating assembly. You do not need to disconnect the wires from the fuse and thermostats. Instead, allow them to hang while you remove and replace the heating element. Locate the wires near the bottom of the element, and snap a photo of them to make sure you know which wire belongs to which terminal during reassembly.

Now that the wires are no longer attached to the element, you can start unthreading the screws holding the heating element assembly to the back of the dryer cabinet. After you have removed the final screw, lift the assembly off the rear wall and out of your dryer.

Close-up of 1, the lower right heating element connector with a single purple wire running to it:. You will want to make sure the black wire goes on the left terminal and the orange wire goes on the right terminal of the safety thermostat. If you know you are replacing it go ahead and remove it. If you want to troubleshoot it in place you can. I was removing it for another reason so I will show the steps for removing it…. There are 4 Phillips head screws that hold the heating element assembly in place.

For your info, the complete heating element assembly is GE part we11m23 , and the elements only are GE Part number we11x With the heating element assembly removed you will be able to easily troubleshoot the element and all the components mounted on the assembly. To check for a bad element put your multimeter on the element between the following points and check to see if they are an open circuit infinite ohms resistance :. Orient the heating element so that the notch is at the bottom as seen below, reinstall the 4 mounting screws, and connect the nine wiring connectors as shown below.

If you wanted to change the belt now would be the time to get the new belt out. I went ahead and replaced the belt while I was doing all this and below is the old and new belt together. The new belt will be shorter since the old belt has stretched out:. Slip the drum through the belt, ribbed side toward the drum, and align the belt on the groove closest to the back of the drum you will be able to see wear on the drum to indicate the right place :.

Supporting the back-end of the drum with the belt, slide the drum into the dryer body. You will need to pry out the sides of the dryer to get the drum to fit between them. It takes some patience to align the drum up with the retainer bearing so the bearing fits in its place. You will know that you have inserted the bearing into the retainer when the top of the drum has the gap shown below:.

First make sure the belt is correctly aligned and oriented on the drum. The belt should go in the groove that is closest to the back of the dryer and the ribbed side of the belt should face the drum as seen below:. The belt is going to feel like it is too short, but it will fit. First put the belt on the motor shaft, second, bend the pulley down, and third, slide the belt up and over the lip on the edge of the pulley:.

If the belt is installed correctly, when you turn the drum while supporting the front edge of the drum , the blower will turn, since it is directly connected to the shaft on the motor:. You will also need to line up the curved tab on each edge of the front panel with the notch on the sides of the dryer. I needed to squeeze the sides of the dryer in to line it up both sides are the same :.

The control panel has a slot on the bottom edge that sits down over the metal lip on the dryer body as illustrated below:. Here the control panel is set back on to the body arrows indicate where the control panel fits over the edge of the metal frame :.


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